Automatically display the current date This tip can be useful if you keep a Fax Lists content schedule in your spreadsheet. Select the column or row where you want to apply this. This should be a row/column where you keep data. For example, every day of the year. Under Conditional formatting rules, choose Fax Lists 'Format cells as...' in the drop-down menu for 'Date is' and 'Today'. Choose a handy color in the layout style, so that you can easily see what day it is in your spreadsheet. And voila! Set today's date with conditional formatting. 4. Fax Lists Using your own dropdown lists I use this tip a lot myself. Suppose you have created a content schedule for your social channels in a spreadsheet with a few colleagues.
For each post, you also want to note which of the colleagues makes and Fax Lists schedules this post. You can manually enter names in a separate column each timeā¦ but you can do that more efficiently with a dropdown list! In a separate tab in your spreadsheet, create a column in which you enter all the Fax Lists names of your colleagues. These can be full names, but abbreviations allow you to narrow the column and save space. Go to the tab where you want to use such a dropdown list. Select the column or row where you want to make it and right click. Select 'Data Validation'. Here you can still adjust the cell range if you want and then you can Fax Lists set the criteria. In this case I choose 'List based on a range'.
Next to it you can enter a range. You can manually enter the references, but I click Fax Lists on the blocks to select the data range. Then go to the tab with the list and select the cells you want to use (click on Fax Lists the first cell, hold down Shift and click on the last cell to choose the whole list). You will then see in the box 'Select a data range' for example: [name tab]!B2:B5. Then click OK. Make sure 'Show dropdown menu in cell' is checked and cFax Lists lick 'Save'. Create Spreadsheet dropdown list with data validation. Now you see in the tab that you can choose names for your social planning. Useful!