Obtaining opinions and making critical assessments of new, unstudied facts in market research. The group was mostly homogenous, consisting of six to eight discussion participants. Group discussions are moderated by a trained moderator who remains neutral about the content of the discussion. In addition to leading the group, the moderator takes over the formal process of the discussion with the help of a guide. Group discussions provide valuable input to market researchers as a wide range of opinions, perspectives and ideas can be gained through discussions among participants.
In addition observable responses such as facial Philippines WhatsApp Number List expressions, gestures, and postures can also be used for analysis. In contrast, in-depth interviews focus on a single topic. will take over the leadership of the interview. This approach focuses on uncovering certain unconscious motivational structures and contexts. But the gathering of opinions and attitudes also plays an important role, so this method of market research is perfect for things like product or brand testing. As a partner for group discussions or in-depth interviews, the German Marketing Institute will be happy to assist you with its many years of experience.
Data Analysis in Market Research Various methods of data collection in market research provide a large amount of individual information. As part of data analysis, we collate, concentrate and evaluate data in order to be able to support marketing decisions in a meaningful way on this basis. In addition, we primarily use statistical software in our market research practice Perform data evaluation. Within the framework of the univariate approach, only a single variable, such as income, is considered in the evaluation.