The only prerequisite is to have an affiliation number with the institution, known as NAF, or a contribution account code.
To access your information you must have registered at Importss , the portal of the General Treasury of Social Security. Once this is done, you can consult your debt through the Electronic Office in the Companies > Collection section or enter directly from this link .
Here you will choose your procedure and the authentication method you want to use, which can be the digital certificate, your username and password, clve pin or via text message . For this last option it is necessary that you have previously registered your mobile number with the TGSS.
Request a report that guarantees that you are up to date with Social Security. This will be valid to qualify for any aid or subsidy.
Manage the reimbursement of bonuses for professional training for employment.
Keeping up with Social Security Gaming Pc is a must for the self-employed.
In case of not doing so, the consequences can range from surcharges for delay, to fines for infraction .
In addition, the payment of the RETA fee is the access key to all the aid to which you are entitled.
For this reason, consulting your debts as a freelancer on time can help you better organize your finances and keep your business running.
Remember that you can count on our tax advice for freelancers and keep all your tax obligations up to date so you can focus on growing your business.