Impact of war and sanctions on the Country Email List world economy, seriously damaged after two years of pandemic. But Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are going to suffer the most. Ukraine is one of the countries in Europe with the most tragic Country Email List history, which has suffered enormously throughout its history. It was born as an independent state under the horrors of the First World War, which was followed by the Russian civil war that took millions of lives. During the forced collectivization of the land carried out by Stalin in 1932-1933, Ukraine Country Email List suffered a massive famine, known as the Holodomor, which starved between 7 and 10 million people to death.
During World War II, Nazi occupation forces Country Email List used millions of Ukrainians as slaves, exterminated Ukrainian Jews and other minorities, while some of the fiercest battles between German occupation forces and Soviet troops took Country Email List place in this region. Ukrainian losses during World War II amounted to 5-7 million people. The collapse of the Soviet Union was also very painful for Ukraine; One indicator sums up their immense suffering: the Ukrainian population went from 52 million at the time of the collapse of the USSR in 1991 to 43 Country Email List million today. Today, Ukraine is once again a victim.
Russia may have a legitimate security Country Email List concern with NATO. But is there any law on earth that would deny Ukraine and Ukrainians their legitimate right to security, dignity and independence? Ecuador is once again experiencing an Country Email List social mobilization led by the indigenous movement. The reaction of the government, which has resorted to repression, has added various sectors to the protests, which have already recorded two Country Email List deaths. The strike call and the mobilization of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie).