Internet users are now an impatient group. The seemingly small time delay is very significant, and has a huge impact on the user experience. This is especially true for eCommerce websites, where the abandonment rate is estimated at 40% with a delay of only three seconds. In other words: a lazy site will kill your line. People don’t want to just wait, and refuse after a few seconds. With hundreds of other sites just a click of the mouse, you really need to get the user’s attention - you have to wait for your site to load, you achieve the opposite.
With this in mind, having a fast and efficient website is a prerequisite to success in today’s competitive online world. If website speed is something you’ve endured, there are free WordPress plugins you can use to speed things up-Pingdom is a great tool to test your current load time to get a baseline. Now, plugins are a small part of the puzzle when it whatsapp phone number list comes to the speed of your website. There are many other aspects that can improve your performance: a better host, a content delivery network, and fewer topics to start with. However, WordPress plugins are a good place to start. Here I have selected six free plugins, each of which do a different job.
Plugin Caching: W3 Total Cache W3 Total Cache Plugin Info & Download See Demo Quick wins fall hard under the category , a caching plugin is a must. The W3 Total Cache plugin is one of the most popular caching plugins, and also one of the top rated. Caching plugins are a must for all webmasters, and plugins like W3 Total Cache will be very effective in improving your load time. Its creators promise at least a 10x improvement to the overall website performance, which is a bold statement! Even better, we have the W3 Total Cache Plugin Guide that you can follow to get the caching setup.